Protocols, conventions and treaties on environment are very important in exam point of view. Now a days environment is a very important topic and more questions coming from environment related topics in competitive exams. Below we provide all the important environmental protocols, conventions details. Aspirants who are preparing competitive exams must know about this topic.

The difference between a treaty, convention, protocol and summit is:

 (1) Treaty: A treaty is an agreement where the nations made some rules and regulations to  avoid further conflict or disagreement. In simple terms it is normally ratified by the lawmaking authority of the governments whose representatives  have signed it.

(2) Convention: A convention is an international meeting of representatives from many nations that results in general agreement about procedures or actions they will take in future on specific topics.

(3) Protocol: A protocol is an agreement that diplomatic negotiators formulate and sign on the basis for a final convention or treaty.

(4) Summit: A meeting or conference of heads of state, especially to conduct diplomatic negotiations and ease international tensions.

Important International Environmental Protocols/Conventions/Agreement

The table below gives the list of important environmental conventions of the world:

1 Ramsar (Iranian city) Convention Convention on Wetlands Initiated in 1971

Came into force 1975

2 Stockholm (Sweden) Convention Persistant Organic Pollutants Initiated in 2001

Came into force 2004

3 Convention on International Trade in Endangered species of Wild flora and fauna (CITES)/Washington Convention Protect Endangered Plants & Animals Initiated in 1973

Came into force 1975

4 Convention Concerning the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage sites Initiated in 1972

Came into force 1975

5 Convention on Biological Diversity Conservation of Biological Diversity Initiated in 1992

Came into force 1993

6 Convention on Migratory Species (CMS)/ Bonn (Germany) Convention Protect the Migratory Species of Wild Animals and their habitats Initiated in 1979

Came into force 1983

7 Vienna (Austria) Convention Protection of Ozone Layer Initiated in 1985

Came into force 1988

8 Montreal (Canada) Protocol Regulating Ozone depleting substances Initiated in 1987

Came into force 1989

9 Kyoto (Japan) Protocol To reduce greenhouse gas emissions (CO2,CH4,N2O,HFCs,PFCs,SF6) Initiated in 1997

Came into force 2005

10 World Conservation Strategy Living resource conservation for sustainable development Initiated in 1980

Came into force 1982

11 Nairobi (Kenya) Declaration For achieving sustainable developments Created in 1982




12 World Charter of Nature Principles of conservation by which all human conduct affecting nature is to be guided and judged. Created in 1982


13 Brundtland Report Environment and Sustainable development

Brundtland (Norwey Prime Minister) Commission was established in 1983

In 1987
14 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Control of emission of GreenHouse Gases (GHGs) that cause global warming. Initiated in 1992

Came into force 1994

15 Earth Summit/ United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED)/ Rio summit Environment and development In 1992
16 United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) Combat Desertification (Drylands) Initiated in 1994

Came into force 1996

17 Helsinki (Finland) Declaration Ethical principles on human experimentation developed for the medical community by the world medical association. In 1989
18 Basel (Switzerland) Convention Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal. Initiated in 1989

Came into force 1992

19 Cartagena(Colombia) Protocol on Biosafety To protect biodiversity from risks Initiated in 2000

Came into force 2003

20 UN-REDD Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation.


Created in 2008
21 Nagoya (Japan) Protocol Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization (Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)).


Initiated in 2010

Came into force 2014

22 Helsinki (Finland) Protocol Reduction of Sulphur Emissions Initiated in 1985

Came into force 1987

23 Oslo (Norway) Protocol Further Reduction of Sulphur Emissions Initiated in 1994

Came into force 1998

24 Kigali (Rwanda) Amendment It is an amendment to the Montreal Protocol (Reduce Ozone Layer Depletion)  Initiated in 2016

Came into force 2019

25 Minamata (Japan) Convention Protect peoples health and the environment from the adverse effects of mercury.


Initiated in 2013

Came into force 2017

26 Rotterdam (Netherlands) Convention Prior Informed Consent (PIC) Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade Initiated in 1998

Came into force 2004

27 Aarhus (Denmark) Convention Access to information, public participation in decision making and access to justice in environmental matters Initiated in 1998

Came into force 2001

28 Aarhus Protocol Persistent Organic Pollutants In 1998


29 Gothenburg(Sweden)Protocol/Multi effect protocol Reduce acidification, eutrophication and ground-level Ozone by setting emissions ceilings for sulphur,nitrogen oxides,ammonia and volatile organic compounds. In 1999
30 Paris Agreement Climate change In 2016
31 Rio+20 Sustainable Development (Economic,Social & Environmental) In 2012
32 Johannesberg Declaration Focus on threats to the sustainable development ofpeople(Hunger,Malnutrition,Crimes,Trafficking,Corruption etc) In 2002
33 Bali (Indonesia) Summit United Nations Conference on Climate Change (Reduce greenhouse gases in atmosphere) In 2007
34 Bamako (Mali) Convention Treaty of African nations prohibiting the import of any hazardous waste. Initiated in 1991

Came into force 1998

35 Tehran(Iran) Convention


Necessity to protect and preserve the Caspian Sea’s natural resources for future generations  

Initiated in 2003

Came into force 2006

36 Law of the Sea Treaty’ Establish jurisdictional limits over the ocean areas.

Known as United Nations Convention on the Laws of the Sea (UNCLOS)

In 1982
37 COP 21 (Paris)  Reduce and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. Initiated in 2015

Came into force 2016

38 COP 24 (Poland)  Rulebook that enables the implementation of 29 articles of the Paris Agreement In 2018
39 COP 25 (Spain) To finalize the rulebook for the Paris Agreement In 2019


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