Important Facts of Human Body for Competitive Exams


Important Facts related to Human Body  will be very helpful in General Awareness section of  competitive exams like UPSC, SSC, Railways and other Exams. Here we provide the list of  Important Facts related to Human Body .

  • Largest and strongest Bone in the body: Femur (thigh bone)
  • Smallest Bone in the body: Stapes in ear
  • Smallest Muscle in the body: – Stapedius
  • Smallest White Blood Cells: – Lymphocyte
  • Largest Organ – Skin
  • Largest internal organ – Liver
  • Largest Artery: Aorta (Heart)
  • Largest Vein: Inferior Vena Cava
  • Largest and longest Nerve: Sciatic Nerve
  • Longest Cell: Neurons (nerve cells)
  • Largest Endocrine Gland: Thyroid gland
  • Thinnest Skin: – Eyelids
  • Number of Cells in the body: Approximately 37 trillion
  • Volume of Blood in the body: 5-6 litres
  • Red blood cells in the body (male) – 5-6 million cu/mm
  • Red blood cells in the body (female) – 4-5 million cu/mm
  • Life span of Red Blood Cells (R.B.C.): 100 to 120 days
  • Spleen is called the graveyard of RBCs
  • Life span of White Blood Cell (W.B.C.): Approx 3-20 days
  • Normal White Blood Cell (W.B.C.) count: 5000-10000/cubic mm
  • Other name of Red Blood Cell (R.B.C.): Erythrocytes
  • Largest White Blood Cells: Monocytes
  • Smallest White Blood Cells: Lymphocyte
  • Who discovered Blood Group: Karl Landsteiner
  • Blood Platelets count: 150,000 – 400,000 platelets per microlitre
  • Haemoglobin (Hb): In male: 14-15 gm/100 c.c. of blood; In female: 11-14 gm/100 c.c. of blood
  • Hb content in body: 500 – 700 gm
  • Menstrual cycle: 28 days
  • Menopause age: 45-50 years
  • Blood clotting time: 3-5 minutes
  • Ph of Urine: 6- 8
  • Ph of Blood: 7.35-7.45
  • Ph of Human Blood : 7.4
  • Weight of Brain: 1300-1400 gm in human adult
  • Normal Blood Pressure (B.P.): 120/80 mm Hg
  • Universal blood donor: O
  • Universal blood recipient: AB
  • Average body weight: 70 kg
  • Normal body temperature: 37 degree celsius
  • Breathing Rate at rest: 12-16/minute
  • Number of Spinal Nerves: 31 pairs
  • Gestation period: 40 weeks or 9 calendar months
  • Normal Heart Beat at rest: 72 beats per minute
  • Minimum distance for proper vision: 25 cm
  • Weight of Heart: 200-300 gm.
  • The islet of langerhans are fund in Pancreas
  •  Pancreas is both an endocrine and exocrine gland of human body
  • In the human body, red blood cells are produced in Bone marrow
  • White blood cells act as a defence against infection
  • The opening of the stomach into the small intestine is called- Pylorus
  • Enzymes is found in human saliva- Ptyalin
  • Growth hormone (Somatotropin) – Pituitary
  • Pituitary gland is situated in The base of the brain
  • Average heart size is that of a fist of an adult
  • Heart has 4 chambers
  • The atria are the “upstairs” chambers of the heart and Ventricles are the “downstairs” chambers:Ventricles
  • Septum separates the left side and right side of the heart
  • Valves act like doors that control blood flow in the heart
  •  Impulse of heart beat originate in S A Node (Heart of heart)
  • SA node is located in upper lateral wall of right atrium
  • Left ventricle is the thickest wall in Human heart
  • Mitral valve is present between left atrium and left ventricle
  • Veins are tubes that carry blood back to the heart
  • Pulmonary vein does not carry deoxygenated blood
  • Pulmonary arteries carries the venous blood to the lungs for oxygenation
  • Pulmonary artery carries  impure blood to lungs
  • Approximate time required for a heart-beat 0.8 seconds
  • Left ventricle of human heart is the oxygenated blood pumped into aorta
  •  Sphygmanometer is instrument for measuring blood pressure
  • Kidney removes waste from blood
  • Insufficient blood supply in human body is referred as-Ischemia
  • Nervous System consists of  Brain, Spinal cards, Nerves
  • Cranial Nerves are attached to the brain and emerge from the skull.
  • Neuron is the unit of Nervous system
  • Medulla in Hindbrain controls the involuntary actions of our body
  • The brain is broadly divided into three regions: forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain. The forebrain mainly consists of cerebrum. The midbrain does not have any further divisions. The hindbrain consists of three centres called pons, cerebellum and medulla.
  • Spinal Cord originates from Medulla (Brain)
  • Four lobes are present in the liver
  • Pancreas is located at Behind the stomach
  • Nephron is a structural and functional unit of kidney
  • The kidneys are bean shaped organs towards the back of our body just above the waist.
  • Due to excretion waste is removed from our body with the help of organs.Kidney excrete urea and lungs carbon dioxide.
  • During the process of respiration in human beings, the exchange of gases takes place in- Alveoli
  • Cartilage is a connective tissue
  • All enzymes are actually called Proteins
  • Tissue connects bone to bone-Ligaments
  • Tissue connects to muscles to bone-Tendons
  • Duodenum, Jejunum, Ileum are parts of small intestine
  • Larynx is known as the voice box
  • The main parts of Human Eye are: Cornea, Iris, Pupil, Ciliary muscles, Eye lens, Retina and Optic nerve.
  • The screen on which the image is formed in the eye is called retina. The retina is behind the eye-lens and at the back part of the eye.
  • Which part of the human eye is transplanted from a dead donor to a living person – Cornea
  • Which structure of the eye is the most sensitive but contains no blood vessels – Cornea
  • Optic nerves: Optic nerves are of two types. These include cones and rods.
  1. Cones: Cones are the nerve cells that are more sensitive to bright light. They help in detailed central and colour vision.
  2. Rods: Rods are the optic nerve cells that are more sensitive to dim lights. They help in peripheral vision.
  • Nails and Hairs are made up of-Keratin
  • Teeth made of Dentine and Enamel
  • Adult human has 32 permanent teeth which are of four different types viz. Incisors, Canines, Premolar and Molars.
  • Which type of teeth are used to grind food-Molars
  • Cerebrum is the biggest part of the human brain
  • How many layers of skin are in the epidermis-5
  • The strongest muscle in the body is the Masseters that is used to chew.
  • What is the shape of DNA called-Double helix
  • Heart beats about 115000 times a day on an average
  • Number of Bones in the Body – 206
  • Number of Bones in the face- 14
  • Number of Ribs- 24
  • Number of bones in a new born baby- 300
  • The hyoid bone in the throat is the only bone that is not connected to any other bone.
  • There are several parts of the body that are involved in the process of removing waste from the human body, such as sweat glands, the liver, the lungs and the kidney system.
  • Every human is born with 2 Kidneys
  • An average person sheds from about 30000 to 40000 skin cells every minute.
  • The human intestine is usually 27 feet long and 10 inches. (8.5 meters long)
  • The small intestine is 22 feet long while the large intestine is only 6 feet
  • The average adult bladder can hold 16-24 ounces of urine.
  • Normal Sperm Count – 250-400 million/ejaculation
  • The male sperm is 5 micrometers x 3 micrometers small which makes it the smallest cell of the human body.
  • The female ovum is the largest cell in the human body which is about 120 micrometers in diameter.
  • Muscles make about 40% of the Body Weight
  • Heart is the most hardworking muscle of the body
  • The process of digestion begins in the mouth
  • Stomach uses Hydrochloric acid (HCL) to break down food
  • Salivary glands produce 1-2 liters of saliva per day
  • The nervous system consists of 3 components: the Brain, the Spinal Cord and Nerves.
  • Weight of an adult brain is – 3 pounds.
  • Cerebrum is the largest part of the brain.
  • 75% of the brain is made up of water.
  • The human brain grows till – 18 years
  • A human brain contains approximately one hundred billion neurons
  • Your brain uses 20 percent of the oxygen and blood in your body.
  • Maximum distance for proper vision- 25 CM
  • Images are formed on the retina of the eye are inverted. The brain turns them upside down.
  • An eye is composed of more than 2 million working parts.
  • The human eye can differentiate approximately 10 million different colors.
  • Cornea is the only part of the human body which contains no blood vessel but is sensitive.
  • 60% of the Human Body is Water.
  • Time taken by R.B.C. to complete one cycle of circulation: – 20 seconds
  • Volume of Semen: – 2-5 ml/ejaculation
  • Normal Sperm Count: – 250-400 million/ejaculation
  • The complete lifespan of a single hair follicle is about 3 to 7 years. The dark colour of a hair helps in finding the dense and a total number of hair follicles in our head.
  • Lungs are the important part of the human respiratory system and the only organ in the human body that can float on water.
  • We cannot breathe and swallow at the same time. But the new-born babies can breathe and swallow both at the same time for up to their 7 to 8 months.
  • A human circulatory system comprises of more than one hundred thousand miles of blood vessels. The largest blood vessel is the aorta. On an average, there are 100,000 miles of blood vessels in an adult human body.
  • Cornea, the transparent front part of the eye is the only part with no blood supply and it gets oxygen directly from the air.
  • The human ears can hear sound in the frequency of 20 to 20,000 hertz
  • Both the circulatory system and respiratory system are involved in carrying blood and the oxygen gas all over the body. The human heartbeats 100,000 times per day and 30 million times a year.
  • Yawning helps us to inhale more oxygen into our lungs. We usually yawn as our brain sends a message to our sensory system when it senses the shortage of oxygen.
  • An average person breathes 20,000 times a day. The rate of breathing is faster in children and women compared to men. The deeper we breathe, the faster becomes the metabolism.



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